The Neverending TBR Pile

Slowly working my way through all the classic literature that exists out there in the world, with occasional breaks for fantasy and/or anything else that catches my attention.

New shelf: 2014 Reading List

The books I plan to read across 2014 have now been given their own shelf.  I have so many titles I want to get to but I'll start with these (I'm up to 18 planned reads so far) and add in more as I go along. 


My goal each year is usually a book a week (52 books), but the time I can set aside for reading is not as much as it used to be.  Still I managed my 30 books goal in 2013 (I've managed 37 so far with a fortnight still to go) and I think 2014 will follow the same pattern.


So the starting goal for 2014 is 30.  If I get to read more then woohoo... but we'll see how it goes.


It doesn't help that I have lots of long reads and series I consider active reads.  That always slows me down. 

Finished: Two books down... millions more to go

What Katy Did at School - Susan Coolidge 1929 Jonathan's Cross - Book One (The 1929 Series) - M.L. Gardner

Managed to finish two books this past week:  What Katy Did at School and 1929.


I'm enjoying the Katy books although I doubt they will become favourites.  As I mentioned previously I like Katy and her family, just don't always agree with some of the points made within the text.  I'll have a think about what I mean and maybe post more later.


1929 was interesting.  Again an interesting set of characters.  Not entirely sure I liked where the story went though.  About half way through I felt my mood change from interested to "I'll keep reading and finish it".  So... make of that what you will.

TBR Additions: December 2013

The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien

Treated myself to a copy of The Hobbit.  I have read this as well as the LOTR saga but not for very many years.  Not since long before the films were even being considered.  So... a while ago.  I suppose seeing all the stuff to do with the latest film has got me thinking about rereading it all again.


Maybe in the New Year.  We'll see. 

Want to Read: About music or musicians

Autobiography - Morrissey Coming Out as a Bowie Fan in Leeds, Yorkshire, England - Mick McCann Bowie in Berlin: A New Career in a New Town - Thomas Jerome Seabrook

I want to read these.  I don't know when that will happen however...

December plan

Lord of Chaos - Robert Jordan What Katy Did at School & What Katy Did Next - Susan Coolidge

Just a simple list for December.  I have Lord of Chaos to finish before moving on to the next Wheel of Time novel.  This is technically a reread but I need to remind myself what happened before reading the end of the series.  Have been dragging my reading feet over it for a while now so ...


Also want to read the sequel(s) to What Katy Did.  I may as well continue and see what the rest are like. 


If I get to any other books (I might) then great but I'm not going to worry over it. 

Added to the TBR pile

Knightfall - R. Jackson-Lawrence Stumptown Survival: The Complete Collection - Noah Porter Rules for Virgins - Amy Tan

Finished: What Katy Did

What Katy Did (Wordsworth Children's Classics) (Wordsworth Collection) - Susan Coolidge

I'm not sure I ever read the "Katy" series as a youngster.  I do have What Katy Did Next in amongst the books of my youth (yes I still have many of them) so perhaps I just don't remember.


Reading the first in the series I found I liked it, although with a few reservations.


I liked Katy and her family.  I enjoyed the simplicity of the storytelling that still painted a fairly vibrant picture of the family and the various people they interact with.  Although it would have been nicer to learn a little more about them.


I liked the points about "life lessons" and appreciated the point about looking for the positives and appreciating the little things (like filling your life with nice flowers and appreciating the sunlight etc).


My reservations come from my modern-day perspective I think.  Especially with things like depression (yet there is often still the mindset that someone falling into depression is "just being selfish").





The Rating Structure

When I started using sites like Goodreads and so on, I devised a basic rating structure for myself to use.  Which is:


| 5 stars = Brilliant. A favourite |
| 4 stars = Really good |
| 3 stars = It is ok |
| 2 stars = Meh! |
| 1 star = I did not like this one. |


Half stars are only used when I'm not sure if I want to go up a notch.

So it begins

The first post.


Well, I am new to Booklikes but not to books.  Have been reading books since I was young.  I'd like to say as a toddler/pre-school but to be honest I can't really remember when I started.  I do remember having books around me though and still fondly remember the typical things like the Mr Men books or A Very Hungry Caterpillar and Where The Wild Things Are. 


For the first time since, 2013 saw me take a wee break from reading.  I did read but really I was too busy or too overwhelmed with other non-book stuff which just felt strange and all sorts of wrong.  Books are just part of my identity, or my psyche.  So I'm hoping 2014 will get me back on track with my reading.  Although I have been reading for 30+ years I still have a humungous TBR pile/wishlist and constantly amazed at how many books I still haven't got round to reading.  


Far too many...


Currently reading

Adam Bede by George Eliot
Progress: 40%
The Jacobite Rebellions (1689-1746) - (Bell's Scottish History Source Books.) by James Pringle Thomson
Progress: 32%
Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets by Mrs. (Margaret) Oliphant, George Reid
Progress: 35%
The Rámáyan of Válmíki by Válmíki
Progress: 4%
Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan
Progress: 195/1011pages